Testosterone level


Testosterone is a very important hormone to your quality of life. Testosterone production is controlled by the pituitary gland. Testosterone is primarily produced by the the testes in men, and the ovaries in woman.

The amount of testosterone your body makes varies as you age, in both men and women.

Testosterone levels are measured in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl). What is considered a normal testosterone level varies by age and sex. The following charts indicate the normal testosterone levels for men and woman at different stages of life.

Infants and children


Male (in ng/dl)

Female (in ng/dl)

0 to 5 months



6 months to 9 years

Less than 7-20

Less than 7-20

10 to 11 years

Less than 7-130

Less than 7-44



Male (in ng/dl)

Female (in ng/dl)

12 to 13 years

Less than 7-800

Less than 7-75

14 years

Less than 7-1,200

Less than 7-75

15 to 16 years


Less than 7-75



Male (in ng/dl)

Female (in ng/dl)

17 to 18 years



19 years and older



Testosterone levels decline as you age.

What Are the Normal Testosterone Levels for Men?

In general, the normal range in males is about 270-1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL. In most men, testosterone levels continue to raise from childhood, through adolescence. Testosterone levels peak at about age 20, and then it slowly declines.

What Are the Normal Testosterone Levels for Women?

Women make and need testosterone too, however women’s bodies produce much less testosterone. Women’s bodies make about 1/10th to 1/20th of the amount of testosterone as men’s bodies. In women, normal testosterone levels range from 15 to 70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of blood. Yet, for woman testosterone, still plays a vital role. As in men, testosterone levels in women decline as they age. Testosterone levels in woman drop significantly during menopause.

What Are the Signs of Lower Than Normal Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone replacement therapy is most effective the earlier you begin. You should begin testosterone therapy as soon as you feel that the symptoms of low-T. The most common symptoms of low testosterone are:

  • A lack of energy
  • Weight gain, particularly belly fat
  • Muscle loss
  • Increased fatigue
  • Loss of interest in sex, or poor sexual performance
  • Loss of drive and confidence
  • Depression, anxiety, irritability and other “mood swings,”
  • Memory issues and other cognitive difficulties

Causes of Low Testosterone Levels

There can be several causes of low testosterone. Conditions that can cause low testosterone include:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Other hormonal conditions.

However the most common cause of low testosterone is simply getting older. In men over 30, typically testosterone levels will drop by about 1% per year. By the time a man is in his 70s, his testosterone level could be half of what it was in his 20s.

Women lose a significant amount of testosterone once they reach their post- childbearing years.

Most men or women between the ages of 40 and 65 have below normal testosterone levels.

How Are Testosterone Levels Raised?

There could be some lifestyle and dietary changes that can help raise your testosterone. For example, foods that could lower you testosterone level include:

  • Soy and Soy-Based Products
  • Processed Foods
  • Mint
  • Alcohol
  • Licorice Root
  • Vegetable Oil

Foods that have been found to raise your testosterone level include

  • Oily Fish, such as tuna and sardines
  • Milk or other dairy products fortified with vitamin D
  • Egg Yolks
  • Oysters
  • Shellfish, particularly crab meat
  • Beef
  • Beans

All men are encouraged to cut testosterone draining food from their diets, and to add more of the boosting foods. However, the only way to clinically raise you testosterone level is with a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone replacement therapy can be given as topical gels, dermal patches, or sub-dermal pellets. However, our doctors have found that testosterone injections are the safest and most effective form of testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone therapy is designed to make you feel younger, stronger, and improve your confidence, so you can continue to do all the things you enjoy most in life.

Any doctor can prescribe testosterone treatment. However, if you want to be sure you get every benefit of testosterone replacement therapy, it is best you go to that you seek a doctor who specializes in hormone replacement therapy. Such practitioners will be able to look at your overall health and wellness. You may need additional therapies along with testosterone therapy in order to help you look and feel your best at any age!

Low testosterone levels can be effectively raised with testosterone replacement therapy.

Now that you know a little more about testosterone levels and low testosterone, why not contact us today, and get started on a path to improved health!