Testosterone Use and Cancer

Testosterone Use and Cancer

Testosterone Replacement Therapy And Cancer

There is nothing written in the literature that states that testosterone use and cancer are directly related to one another. In other words, there is no proof that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can cause prostate cancer, testicular cancer or breast cancer in either men or women. Although there will still be ongoing research to determine the risk of developing cancer due to TRT, so far after many years, there is no substantial evidence that it does.

Our patients have inquired about the correlation between testosterone and cancer cells and again, research has not proven that one causes the other when using injections of the hormone. Our licensed doctors are very careful and accurate when they prescribe testosterone medications so that a patient is taking just the right amount and no more than necessary in order to balance out their hormone levels. When a patient has low T as shown in blood work, our doctors take their time to create just the perfect treatment plan to avoid any negative side effects at all.

In addition, our physicians are always medically supervising therapy so that patients can quickly change a dosage if something is not right. If a patient feels anything out of the ordinary happening when using their injections, they are to call us right away. We work tirelessly to help our patients get the best out of therapy and to stop the worry about testosterone use and cancer or any other problems they may fear from TRT.

Can Testosterone Replacement Cause Cancer?

We have shared that there is no substantial evidence written in the literature that links testosterone use and prostate cancer, testicular cancer or breast cancer. We understand that this is something that patients may worry about when they participate in TRT. However, there is no reason to anticipate this kind of disease occurring due to testosterone replacement therapy. That is, when it is done when the patient is tested for low T, gets diagnosed properly and gets prescribed the right testosterone medication and the correct dosage of that medication.

Research regarding testosterone use and cancer:

  • A prominent doctor spoke at the American Urological Association 2015 annual meeting. He stated that testosterone whether it is produced naturally in the body or given via bio-identical injection does not cause prostate cancer.
  • One of the main investigators for the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial argues against the idea that testosterone replacement therapy causes cancer. He also shared his view of using testosterone injections conservatively. In other words, to be safe against any side effects, he believes that a doctor should prescribe the lowest dosage of testosterone as possible to gain benefits when fearing low testosterone levels and prostate cancer. We believe that too.
  • A study that was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute talked about 18 different studies. It confirmed that any fear that testosterone causes cancer has little scientific support.  
  • A study done out of the University of North Carolina School of Public Health suggested that professionals should move away from believing that high testosterone is a risk for cancer. The study stated in a powerful manner that testosterone use and cancer are not related.

How Testosterone Therapy Can Treat Cancer?

Many very prominent sources talk about whether or not testosterone treatment for cancer is recommended. What most will concur with is that TRT may not be the first line of defense for cancer, but it can help with the symptoms that could happen after traditional medical treatment for prostate cancer or testicular cancer is completed. This is because these are the areas of the body that produce testosterone. When they are treated for cancer, it can cause the patient to develop low T.

Testosterone treatment and prostate cancer:

  • Testosterone use after prostate cancer surgery can safely help a man to rid of the symptoms he may feel from low T. The lack of energy and desire for sex (just as two examples) will start to increase when TRT starts to balance low levels of testosterone that become low due to the intense surgery and treatment a man will need to undergo for removal of prostate cancer.

Testosterone treatment and testicular cancer:

  • One article shared that testosterone use and testicular cancer can be very beneficial for a man. When a man has testicular cancer, the medical treatment he will receive will often result in low T. He will start to feel the symptoms of low energy, lack of sexual drive, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety, low bone density, little stamina or endurance, weight gain and more. Many doctors believe that as soon as the man starts to feel these symptoms, he should start testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone treatment and breast cancer:

  • Breatcancer.org has suggested that the use of pellets or creams of testosterone for TRT for a woman will not increase her risk for developing breast cancer. This is great progress for women who might have feared the idea of testosterone use and breast cancer.

Testosterone use after breast cancer, prostate cancer or testicular cancer can very gently ease a person’s symptoms that come with low T after the hormone decreases from traditional cancer treatment. It is imperative to only work with a clinic that is highly reputable and only uses the best trained and licensed doctors that treat each and every patient with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

When partaking in testosterone therapy after cancer treatment, a person will mostly likely already feel down and exhausted from their prior experience with fighting cancer. This is another reason why it is important to work with a clinic that has very understanding, kind and caring professionals. We do not only prescribe testosterone injections for men or creams for women. We also get to know our patients and assist them with much more than the physical side of therapy.

We understand the emotional toll cancer treatment can take on a person and share compassion with our patients. We will help you to feel better when cancer treatment zaps you of your testosterone.
