Testosterone Levels Test

Get Testosterone Levels Test

Probably the most common questions asked of our experts are whether or not a client’s testosterone levels are in “normal” range and what is involved in a testosterone levels test. Usually taken in the morning when levels are at their highest, a man will receive a blood test that will determine where he falls on the testosterone level chart.


Clinics may differ in how their charts are structured because the age of the man, along with many other factors including his medical condition and weight, etc. will make a large difference in what is considered a “normal” range for each particular person.


Why have we been using the term “normal” in quotations?


There truly is no such thing as to what is considered to be “normal” as your doctor or laboratory may tell you. For instance, one source in particular shared that according to one clinic’s testosterone levels men chart, a typical normal male testosterone level range was between 260 -1080 ng/dl, which stands for nanograms per deciliter.


That is a very wide range and a number like 260 is anything but “normal” and is definitely not healthy. That is a complete deficiency according to what most physicians or endocrinologists would say based upon the findings from a testosterone levels test.  In fact, professional consensus says that for testosterone levels men, anything under 500 is low and anything over 500 usually does not lead to problems. Always keep in mind though, that all men are different, unique and individual.

Testosterone Levels – Men Chart

We will often get asked if a man’s testosterone levels are normal for them and what they should be according to some testosterone levels – men chart. We have already determined that the word “normal” is relative and charts will often vary in their measurements too. Their guidelines will be different according to age and other factors; however, we might say that 500 is considered average by a testosterone levels men chart and anything under 400 is going to give the man some serious symptoms.


However, we cannot forget that all men differ and age, medical history and lifestyle have a lot to do with the numbers on the chart. When ranges on a testosterone level chart start off with 290 being “normal,” many experts become enraged because that number is extremely low and should not be considered to be fine for any male. It is important to get tested several times to average out readings and go by different charts that say what is the typical range of testosterone levels men for the healthy man. Male testosterone levels will fluctuate day to day and even week to week, so it will never read exactly the same. Plus, the amount of daily stress, eating habits, amount of exercise and lack of sleep can affect levels of testosterone in men according to the charts.

Where Can I Get a Testosterone Levels Test?

Get a Testosterone Levels Test

When a client works with “TRT Medical Center ®”, they may ask us where can I get a testosterone levels test. We will let them know that we set that appointment up for them once we determine if they will be a good candidate for testosterone therapy.


We find that out by asking questions about medical history and current symptomology. We send our clients only to fully qualified and trusted professionals within the city where they live for a medical exam. After that, they will get their blood tested, which will let us know where they fall on the testosterone levels men chart.


We make sure that we compare numbers to likeness of men’s symptoms, history, body sizes and ages. So, when a client works with us, they will not need to go far out of their way to get testosterone levels men checked, but it is a necessary part of the process so that our doctors can study and comprehensively review the results in order to make a diagnosis and to write the correct prescription for that individual man. Our past clients can confirm that they got great results when using our clinics, medications and medical supervision when they fell below what was considered to be “normal” on the testosterone level chart for their set of circumstances.

What Do I Need To Do To Get A Testosterone Levels Test?

The question what do I need to do to get a testosterone levels test comes up regularly when a client begins to feel the signs that his levels are lower than they should be. When he becomes weaker, his muscle mass fades, his sexual desire and ability to perform diminishes, his bone density lessens and even his mental capacity for learning, remembering, focusing and concentrating becomes lower, he usually calls us looking for answers about how to get his testosterone levels men assessed. The first step is to reach out and contact us. Simple? Yes? We will give each man who calls us directly via telephone or who sends us our Contact Form the most amount of individualized attention as we determine their need to have their levels tested and compared on a testosterone level chart.


We will send the man out to a lab or to a doctor’s office in their city for testing, and the process is really as simple as that. The rest falls on our professionals to get the results, create a diagnosis, write a legal prescription for the proper testosterone medications, send the prescription to our pharmacy and ship out all the client’s needs to his home or office. If our testosterone levels men chart shares that a man’s testosterone levels are truly out of range, we are right here to help in the ways just described. We make it easy and convenient during this rough time when a man may be going through a lot as he often feels miserable due to painful and sometimes debilitating symptoms caused by low T.

When Is The Best Time To Get A Testosterone Levels Test?

One of the great inquiries we get is when is the best time to get a testosterone levels test, and the answer is not an easy one because it varies. For most men, their testosterone levels may read one way on a testosterone levels men chart one day or week, and then read another number the next day or week. Testosterone levels do not stay consistent, and that is because of the way the body works and the lifestyle choices that a man makes. Levels on a testosterone level chart will also differ in the morning (usually higher) than in the afternoon or evening.


Waking up aroused in the morning is quite common for men because their testosterone levels are at their highest upon awakening – slowly declining throughout the day. Lifestyle issues such as proper nutritional habits on a daily basis, amount of sleep gained or lost that previous evening, smoking habits, drinking behaviors, exercise patterns, stress during daily routines and more can also affect testosterone levels men and give different readings at varying times. That is why we usually say there is no real best time for testing when a client asks when is the best time to get a testosterone levels test, but usually will have their appointment set up in the morning.

Where Should I Fit In On A Testosterone Levels Men Chart?

Laboratories are not perfect and neither are doctor’s offices. Where should I fit in on a testosterone levels men chart is a very common question and the best answer is: It all depends. Charts are usually not constructed by age, medical conditions, height, weight and other conditions and do not take into consideration that all men are very different. We suggest that our clients remember that it is not the number on the testosterone chart that matters most, but it is the way they feel and function that is the driving force behind believing there is a problem or not. If a man with a lower number on the scale is feeling fine, then there is no issue.


If a man’s sexual functioning is great, his erections are strong, his muscle mass continues to grow, he is energetic and vibrant and his heart health is intact, than there should be nothing to worry about. If a man if feeling unpleasant ailments, he should contact us, and we can help determine how to assist him. So, do not panic if you ask a doctor where should I fit in on a testosterone levels men chart and your numbers are not quite where he or she says they should be. There are a lot of factors to weigh before believing you have a problem. If a client is questioning their health, they should contact one of the best clinics in the US – “TRT Medical Center ®” ((800) 305-5204)